Viralata Treasury
Multisign wallets work with the approval of the majority of participants - those actively working on the project.
Viralata Treasury is a multiSign wallet that receives one tenth of the AUROs issued for purposes such as purchases of AURO / REAU, partnerships, listings, marketing, social actions and development / team costs.
MultiSign Wallets are wallets that need two or more signatures to perform an action, such as crypto transfer. The signature is basically the blockchain record that validates a movement in the portfolio, where the action is performed only when the majority of signatures among its participants are reached, that is, each action starts from an agreement by the majority. - Binance Academy
A Treasury acts as a moderating agent on income-generating distributions, participating in the liquidity pools at ViralataSwap, feeding centralized exchanges with tokens, buying and burning AURO and REAU. This is important to align market conditions with the project schedule and maintain medium and long term sustainability, otherwise a possible unbalanced issuance could cause massive sales within a few weeks. Therefore, Treasury's performance may involve one or more moves between liquidity pools in one day.
The trend is for the use of this wallet to be less and less recurrent and more dedicated to specific project actions, through the amount collected with compound interest and ecosystem fees. You can check all portfolio transactions on this BSCScan link or through the address:
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