How to trade on ViralataSwap?
Viralata Swap is the decentralized exchange of Viralata Finance. Its operation is very similar to most decentralized exchanges in the market.
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Viralata Swap is the decentralized exchange of Viralata Finance. Its operation is very similar to most decentralized exchanges in the market.
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To buy or sell tokens from the Viralata ecosystem, it is possible to use Viralata Swap and contribute to the development of the project. When using any decentralized exchange, a small transaction fee is charged. In the case of Viralata Swap, this rate is used to maintain the project (learn more here).
Own a cryptocurrency wallet (TrustWallet, Metamask, REAUPay...);
Have a small amount of BNB to pay network fees (fees charged by the blockchain to process the transaction - BNB Smart Chain fees apply to any and all transfers);
Understand and accept the risks associated with any DeFi and cryptocurrency investments;
Currently, ViralataSwap only works on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network. To connect to ViralataSwap, you must be in Binance Smart Chain and connect the wallet:
Select the pair you want to exchange. By adding the amount of one of them, the page will fill in an estimate of its pair's value.
After that, just confirm the information and approve the transaction.
If this is the first time you are moving a currency/token, you will need to approve this type of transaction first. After signing this approval in your wallet, you must wait for this transaction to be processed in the blockchain before you can continue.
To exchange currencies that have a contract rate (such as REAU), it is necessary to increase the slippage (tolerance between the displayed value and the received value).
Click on the settings;
In the tab that opened, enter the desired value in the "Slippage" option (6% recommended for REAU);
Click out of the box to return to swap.
For purchases in larger quantities, also simulate the transaction in PancakeSwap V1 using This can avoid losses due to a difference in liquidity.