👛Cryptocurrency Wallet

We often see questions like "can I transfer my coins from TrustWallet to REAUPay"? If you don't know the difference between them or don't even know what it is, this text will be good for you!

First, a quick understanding: Blockchain is a type of database. In our context, it's a decentralized database validated by multiple servers around the world. This database stores all transactions that took place. Transactions carried out are signed by an encryption, which guarantees the validity of this transaction.

Well, there are several cryptocurrency wallets available. There are physical wallets (Trezor, Ledger...), mobile apps (REAUPay, TrustWallet, Metamask...) and browser extensions (Metamask...). For this article, let's focus on wallets in mobile app format. The functioning of them are very similar to each other, and part of them even share the source code.

When creating your TrustWallet wallet, you received 12 words that represent your private key. This key will be used to sign the transactions you generate from your wallet, validating your authorization to move your balance on the blockchain. Take really good care of the 12 words!

⚠️ Cautions and Risks Investing

The 12 words also store your network address, which points to your position on the blockchain. It is possible to check the balance and transactions of any wallet in the blockchain explorer. In the case of the REAU network (BSC), the explorer is: bscscan.com Just look up the address of your wallet and you will be able to check your balance of different cryptocurrencies and all your transactions.

Your wallet address is the same one used to receive or send REAUs. On TrustWallet, to access your address, click on: Receive > Smart Chain

Finally, the REAUPay or TrustWallet app is responsible for storing your private key, interacting with decentralized applications (such as PancakeSwap) and signing transactions.

It is possible, with some simplifications, to compare the cryptocurrency portfolio to a bank app:

To access your bank account and make a transfer you need an address (your branch and account number) and your password. When checking your balance and moving your money, the bank application is performing an operation in the database of the financial institution. The cryptocurrency wallet would be the bank's application, that is, the interface between you and your money stored in a banking system.

Returning to the original question: "Can I transfer TrustWallet currencies to REAUPay?" - transfer would not be the correct word. You are not transferring your coins, but accessing your wallet interface in another app/website through the twelve words. The wallet app installed on your phone does not carry your coins with them. Our crypto backgrounds are stored in the blockchain, not in apps.

For security reasons, REAUPay is being built using the same base open software as Metamask, which increases the level of protection of your private key stored in the application. Remember that no care is enough in the digital world. Keeping your cell phone, computer and antivirus updated are extremely important for the health of your investment.

⚠️ Cautions and Risks Investing

Caso não se sinta confortável, é recomendado utilizar somente as corretoras centralizadas para os investimentos. As corretoras centralizadas são responsáveis por guardar as moedas de seus usuários, isto é, elas são donas de tudo o que os usuários movimentam.

Por isso, se você busca uma maneira mais segura e menos centralizada de gerenciar seus fundos, uma cold/hot wallet é a melhor opção e, ao mesmo tempo, o torna unicamente responsável pelo próprio investimento.

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